Thursday, May 07, 2009

The First Few Sketches & Paintings I Did

This birthday, the Meister recognizing my potential with the visual arts gifted me a grand set of poster colors, brushes, and a color palette. Thanks a ton to him, I now have a great way to utilize my time and learn something new. The sketch I did seeing it from one of the sketch books I bought for myself trying to learn how to sketch. I am so proud of myself that I did these, back at school I could not even draw a straight line or a good enough circle. I was really pathetic. I know, these are nothing great, but they give me hope that perhaps with more practise, I could realize one of my dream of painting and sketching good someday. 


Anonymous said...

You definitely have the perspective! Just a little practice and you can create great sketches :)

Dreamer... said...

me liked them totally... :)

Runa said...

thanks guys...

Unknown said...

u r welcome...paint urself to glory...or even better, to celebrate ur future painting endeavors give the Meister a treat :-)

on a different note, unless u r following the picasso or the tagore school of incomprehensible paintings, go for landscapes, inanimate objects; sketching ppl is damn tough..try it only when ur hands are set and u have more confidence

anyway enjoy

myriadmind said...

Nice !

Benny said...


Runa said...

thanks benny

Supreethi Pandrangi said...

i loooove them runa...really nice stuff...

Runa said...

hehhe just trying my hands re

wanda1234 said...

thanks for sharing....

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