Saturday, December 03, 2005

I guess It's about my dissertation!

here I am again with nothing much to write, but writing just because everytime I open somebody's blog I feel the necessity to write something o my own. Its funny the compulions an urban youth indulges in.

Life here is filled with academic tensions which will lead nowhere, cause I am ding nothing about them. In my desire to be involved in academics has led me into choosing to do a dissertation, and my apprehensions against it is making me re-think the decision. Anyways I will be doing it, in any case. My topic as I ve thought till now is going to do with the concept of the nation, as to how the media; the print the electronic and various other advertising mediums voice an assumed politics of India as a nation. How this voice is an urban, upper class/caste/ gender voice which very subtly yet stringly avoids the voices that exist in the periperies of our society. And in my process of witing it I am sure I will meanwhile create an 'Utopian space' fo myself where all my minority cmrades will have a space to themselves. ok this bit was just an influence of Sumit Sarkar I guess who has witten a completly imaginative piece on Subaltern Historiography, though nothing this is nothing on the lines of Nandy, who comes up with this wonderful imaginary theories. ok stop it girl, halt here before you enhance your prejudices for him, read a few more of his articles and then talk...
Ok I quit.


medusa said...

i hate to sound patronising, but i dont really think anyone can be more than adequately prejudiced against nandy. after all, that guy is a jackass.

Runa said...

Wow! somebody else too. Good huh!

serendipiduous said...

hmm apart from the nandy and sarkar bit (which i couldnt understand) ur topic seems really really interesting , uglygirl and i were jokin on how we cud dissert on alternative lifestyle and that way wud get an excuse to visit all the cruise joints of both hyd and kol...:}

Runa said...

yah true, though I spoke to R about u and ugly girl doing a reading course, sadly she said she is too busy to take anything else for the next sem

wanda1234 said...

thanks for sharing....

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