Wednesday, October 15, 2008

No Title Apt For This...

There is no real reason to write, nothing at all. But perhaps, after reading Premankur's eloquent posts, I want to write something even an ounce as good as he does.

May be I cannot. Writing rests as a forgotten memory which you remember only when you chance to come across some old picture of yours in an old, ragged family album. You try to fondle the memory by talking about it. You may even try to remember the names of all those captured in that memory. Sometimes, if leisure permits, you will try imitating the expressions lost and forgotten. But the end of it all is that you dust the album and shove it right back towards that end of the almirah where yours eyes hardly reach.

Sometimes, I wish I was in a city as quaint as Raigarh or atleast Kolkata. But then, I know people think it is merely an excuse to hide your inability to write. Perhaps, I should atleast begin to admit it...


serendipiduous said...

you dont need to be in Kolkata or for that matter even raigarh to write... you know that... let me refer to your MMTS post and say that there is enough fodder even in the granite and steel mess that is hyderabad to feed your imagination... :)

Runa said...

yah that is right may be...but have seen far too much of the steel and granite mess. It no longer excited me :(

Unknown said...

Very well written!

Runa said...

thanks daa.

Unknown said...

u should get a medal for using the 2 words 'quaint' and 'kolkata' together in the same sentence

Runa said...

Why do you feel so? I think you need to look at Kolkata and other metros together to see what I mean by quaint.

Mood Swings said...

I love your postings. I just landed up on your blog through some random browsing. Great stuff in here! keep it going! :)

Runa said...

@moodswings - thanks. I am happy you like them.

Nilamber said...

"true writing comes with ease..."
---Alexander pope

Runa said...

@nilamber - thanks for the quote, but by that do you mean my writing is not written with ease or otherwise?

Siddharth Tripathy said...

Its not just being in Kolkata or Raigarh, but rather such things happening within you; In you case, as you claim a boredom with steel & granite mess, it forces me to write, internalization of such things need a conscious effort. I do not agree to premankur per se when he mentions about the MMTS post. My reasons are firstly that a single post doesnt remain all-comprehensive, it has to follow with other posts. A single good writing can happen, but more significantly at the stage you are, you need volume. And for the volume, you need to observe, introspect and experience. Wish you such times.
I fear as I find with contemporary Indian English fiction, a serious disconnect with Indian ethos. The diaspora of writers present a picture of India, which lacks an inherent truth about its being. Not so with Marquez, when he writes of Columbia. Even Adiga's book, seems to be bred from a research of the milieu he portrays, I sincerely doubt his having internalized the milieu. Nevertheless. Its good to be writing.
Coming back to the issue of Kolkata or Raigarh, I put it rather self-righteously that you need such an assemblage to widen up.

Runa said...

Perhaps, I wouldn't have been able to put what you said better...but this is partly yet accurately what I had meant when I wrote the post.

wanda1234 said...

thanks for sharing....

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