Wednesday, February 08, 2006


let be green this time he had thought...but she painted the town white. So white that the shadows now looked real. The sun rested at every corner and every opportunity. The kids smelt of stale sweat, and the black skin enveloped the town in a heat unbearable. So much that the girl with huge basket of guavas dropped her load from her head and sat in the cool varandah of the Chowdhari's. Her half naked body and the black of her skin echoed the myths of a lost time, when love happened. Mundri, took one of the riped ones from her basket and offered it to the kids playing the game of rivers and mountains...

will continue later...


concerned citizen said...

Hmmmm, you must continue, I don't quite get it. Sounds like the Indian version of 'A Cat on A Hot Tin Roof'. ??

Runa said...

don't quite get the similarity between the two.

AJ ! Serendipity !!! said...

hey it is wow. Please do let me know when u have written more of this story. Who is she? where does she come from? what colour are her eyes? does her skin glow? does she wear bangles? does she radiate the warmth that is uncommon. Is she a free spirit? or is she a burdened soul? Will her act of kindness bring a smile on the face of the children playing there?
will she go on? or will she meet someone?

U see a thousand or so questions.
U gotta continue. Pleeeeeeeeeease.
and yes I am waiting eagerly to see what she has to say or think